Pai Unsoung 裵雲成 (Bae Unseong, 배운성) was born in Seoul in 1900. From 1920 to 1922, he studied politics at Waseda University in Tōkyō. In 1922 (or 1923?), he came to Germany, where he was the first Korean to study modern Western art and lived as a painter. In 1938 (or 1940?) he returned to Seoul, where he taught art. After the Second World War, he also became involved in the socialist movement. In 1950, he moved to North Korea when the North Korean army withdrew from South Korea. He died there in 1978, which is why his work was taboo in South Korea for a long time.

Pai Unsoung's painting „A Large Family (가족도)“ (1930–1935) is now valued as one of the few realistic depictions of a traditional Korean extended family. There are 17 people plus a dog in the picture!